Series Rank
A global tournament, the biggest prizes
The Series Rank Tournament is a weekly amateur tournament. They are available for every player who owns a tournament ticket during the events. Players form their own teams and compete in a round-robin tournament. Tournament winners are given various rewards depending on the event.
Four/Eight/Twelve teams compete in a single round-robin bracket, which is held in each tournament: Junior Division Cup, Major League Cup, Premier League Cup.
The first bracket is Junior Cup, then up to the Major, and the last one is Premier League. The tournament contains many series.
First, in Premier League Cup, each competitor faces eleven opponents and picks the top three highest points of the leaderboard to join the brackets of the Major League Cup.
After that, competitors try to gain as many points as possible to reach the top three to join Premier League and do it again. Furthermore, competitors with low points in the top 10 below will be dropped into lower series (Junior -> Major, Major -> Premier), which is unchanged if they play in Premier Cup. The others in Junior or Major out of the top three or top 10 below won't change their position.
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