Player Card
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Player Main Stats
Player Energy
Player Position
Player Composition Index
Player Rarity
Player Main Stat represents a player's main stats based on component stats. This stat will change depending on where you place that player in the squad.
The number of energies represents the number of matches remaining for the players in the squad. When the number of energies returns to 0, you will have three choices:
Re-sign a new contract with the player
Place players for sale on the Marketplace
Burn the card to get an upgrade card for other players.
Player Position represents the player's forte position when entering the match. You can change the position of the players to suit the squad you have chosen.
Player Composition Index includes the component indexes of the players. The players will have a total of 10 component stats, including:
SPE (Speed): Movement speed
ACC (Acceleration): The ability to accelerate
STA (Stamina): Player's Stamina
CON (Control): The ability to handle the ball
STR (Strength): Physical Strength
TAC (Tackling): The ability to tackle the ball
PAS (Passing): The ability to pass the ball
SHO (Shooting): The ability to shoot the ball
GKH (GK Handling): The goalkeeper's ability to catch the ball
GKR (GK Reflexes): The goalkeeper's reflexes
JUM (Jumping): Player's jumping ability
Players will be divided into three rarities, including Bronze (<65), Silver (65-79), and Gold (>79).